- My lifestyle is one of health and fitness.
- My attitude is undyingly optimistic.
- My outlook is always hopeful.
Words like “fat”, “big”, “obese” along with many other “less kind” labels permeate that life especially my childhood. Some of these adjectives weren’t intended to hurt but many were directed in cruelty. I didn't handle that cruelty very well at all. I've always been naturally shy and the taunting made me even more so. I guess it was like a self-defense mechanism. Just be quiet, don't say anything, and maybe they will eventually stop. It worked to some degree but that approach made me very reclusive. I regret that I became more introverted but regret even more that I got used to being that way. Luckily, I made some really great friends during my school years, two of which I still see regularly. I’m so thankful that these friends saw past the weight when so many others didn’t.
What changed eight years ago that caused me to do a complete 180 and enabled me to lose over 220 pounds? I’ll share that epiphany later in this blog. For now, please know that life changing moment allowed me to lose much more than the weight. I lost my terrible eating habits, my negativity toward life, and my hopeless future. I also was blessed to gain a desire to be fit and active for life, a roaring fire of optimism, and a snowballing of self-worth. There is one thing I didn’t gain that I still really want – a fit looking body. The fat that vanished left behind the skin that held it. The remaining extra, loose skin is the focus point of this blog.
I reached my goal weight of 200 pounds in January 2003 after 16 months of hard fought diet and exercise changes. I’ve waited six, almost seven, years to finally make my decision about plastic surgery and have my extra skin removed. During that time, I’ve continued to become more fit and improve my body fat percentage. I’ve also squirreled away the funds to pay for this elective procedure. This choice has been a hard one and was not made lightly or easily. I certainly want to explore my reasons for the surgery here and also give first hand information to others looking into the same procedures. I hope this journal of my thoughts, expectations, and experiences will help others in their goals and in their lives. The title, Unzip My Skin, has a double meaning. Physically, it refers (somewhat crudely) to what the doctor will be doing. Emotionally, it reminds me that I’m letting other people “into my skin” by revealing part of my soul.
To whoever reads this blog here’s a big, THANK YOU!
Wow is what comes to mind! I really look forward to reading more!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!