Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is softened?

Ok, this won't be a pretty post but I feel it's relevant.  I started taking stool softeners 5 days before I had the surgery.  This "preloading" was recommended by all my nurse friends since the pain meds will stop you up.  I'm glad I took them because I can't imagine what that first BM would have been like if I had not.  I won't go into vivid details but let's just say it took several minutes of "concentration" on my part.  After that relief, it took 5 flushes to get it to go down (I kid you not).

Stool softeners - TAKE THEM!  Start them at least 5 days before you go under.  You won't be sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! I started them last week with my iron pills because iron does that to me...but I had to get off of them...let's say a little TOO soft but I will start them up again Sunday! Thanks for the laugh. :D
